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Is Macklemore A 9/11 Truther? Rapper Catching Heat For 2009 Tweet "Bush Knocked Down The Towers" [Video]

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Macklemore had one day to enjoy his Grammy trophies before someone dug up an old tweet from 2009 where the rapper expressed his opinion that 9/11 was an inside. Specifically, he blamed former President George Bush for the tragedy that killed nearly 3000 people and shook America to it's core.

A 2005 track entitled "Bush Song" by the Seattle rapper has also emerged. It it Macklemore expressed similar beliefs.

"Where's D*** Cheney at? Probably off in Iraq finding some oil to tap, tell 'em I got up on that and y'all still think it was Bin Laden. When it was us and the Masons, plotting on oil profits," Macklemore raps.

The song is off of Macklemore's 2005 debut album The Language of My World. People are now questioning if the rapper is a 9/11 truther.

Twitter is fired up about the topic. Here's a sample of what people are saying.

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