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d Suspect Named In Jam Master Jay's Murder Proclaims Innocence

A decade after his death, an alleged suspect has been implicated in the shooting death of  Jason “Jam Master Jay” Mizell. Curtis Scoon was named by the New York Daily News as ordering a hit out on the legendary  rap figure to settle a decade-long drug debt.
In an interview with, Scoon reaffirmed his innocence. “I read the article in today's New York Daily News and was taken aback by the persistent efforts to connect me to the tragic death of Jason Mizell,” he told the site. “I addressed my non-involvement in this crime several months back with ScoonTV, I believe readers will find it quite informative.”
Scoon's lawyer, Marvyn Kornber, also stuck up for his client. “As time goes by, he becomes less and less of a suspect. He's moved on with his life.”
Elsewhere in the case, is Ronald Washington, an associate of the Run DMC member, currently serving a 17-year sentence for armed robbery, was said to have admitted to playing  a part in Jay's murder. He reportedly  confessed the crime to his ex-girlfriend, who told police, but a source blasted the credibility of Washington and his former lady's claims. “She [also] changed her story three or four times after,” the source revealed.
Although there were five witnesses to his death, police have yet to nab any solid leads. “We never really had a good lead,” noted Vincent Santangelo, the head detective on the case. “Nobody would, or nobody could, tell us the who or what. We're still looking for that person.”
With all the twists and turns in the story, Jay's family is still looking for closure. “The past 10 years has been really hard,” explained his brother,  Marvin Thompson. “There's still so many unanswered questions. ... I pray that someone will step up and close this case and give us some peace.”
Thompson believes that Washington was involved in his brother's death, while his mother—Connie Mizell-Perry— is confident that karma will get whoever is involved. “One of these days, you're going to think you have it made and someone is going to tap you on the shoulder and say, ‘Gotcha!'” she said.
Jay was shot and killed inside a recording studio in Jamaica Queens, on Oct. 30, 2002.

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