It started off like a standard raid — the police banged on the door, ordered customers onto the floor, and proceeded to sniff around.
Then police started to dismantle the security cameras — which was caught on tape by one of the cameras they missed.
The footage goes on to show the officers chumming around, playing darts, and snacking on edibles, before making some unsavory remarks about the dispensary manager, Marla James, who is an amputee.
In one exchange, an officer asks, "Did you punch that one-legged guerita?" and another replies, "I was about to kick her in her f------ nub."
You can see an edited "highlight reel" of that security footage below, courtesy of the Voice of OC.
But now the police officers featured in the video are complaining that the footage shouldn't be part of that investigation, since it was "taken without their knowledge" and is edited to make them look bad. (Matthew Pappas, the lawyer for Sky High Holistic, says he gave the Santa Ana police both an edited, condensed version and a raw, unedited version of the video clips.)
According to The Orange County Register, the police officers filed a lawsuit to "prevent Santa Ana Police Department internal affairs investigators from using the video," arguing that the officers "had a reasonable expectation that their conversations were no longer being recorded."
But the police department also has the raw, full-length footage to determine what really happened, and arguing that the video violates their "privacy" is about as ridiculous as the cops' behavior in the first place.