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Mother Faces Contempt Of Court Charge For Bringing Breastfeeding Baby To Jury Duty

Laura Pickle with son Axel
Laura Trickle is in quite a pickle! The Missouri mom, who has a breastfeeding seven-month old baby boy,Axel Graham, is in hot water with the legal system just for having her son in tow when she reported for jury duty last August. Now, the muddled mom, who was hit with a court order by a judge stating that she, “willfully and contemptuously appeared for jury service with her child,” now faces a $500 fine when she appears in court on October 24th, according to ABC News.
“It’s been incredibly stressful,” Trickle told ABC News. “I’d like to have a little bit more understanding from the court.” Understanding, however, the young mom did not get, when she asked to be exempted from jury duty because her then five-month-old son did not take bottles and could only be fed with breast milk. Trickle later rejected the judge’s two suggestions that she utilize rooms at the courthouse where she could pump milk for her child, or bring a caregiver to court to watch Axel between feedings.
Trickle, a stay-at-home-mom, did not have caregivers at her disposal, and felt she had no other alternative but to bring her baby to court, so that she could satisfy her obligation to the judicial system. Unfortunately, the judge did not sympathize with Trickle’s plight and slapped the mom with the contempt of court charge.
Missouri state senator and physician, Rob Schaaf, agrees with Trickle and is reportedly drafting legislation exempting moms who breastfeed from jury duty across the state.  Just 20 miles away in Kansas, breastfeeding women are exempt from jury duty as they are in 11 other states.
Meanwhile, Trickle must appear in court on Thursday where she will have to explain as to why she could not perform her civic duty properly, or possibly dole out an exorbitant fine, which the young mom says is equal to, “A lot of diapers.”

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